Welcome to my new blog—my 21
st overall and my 13
currently online. This one’s about cowboys. Not REAL cowboys so much as pop culture
cowboys. Unless we really look into history, we don’t always remember that the
real “wild west” was a lot harder to survive in than most movies, books and TV
shows have ever made it out to be.
No, what we think of as the old west is a true American
mythology that has built up over the past century and a half beginning with the
earliest dime novels that lionized scoundrels and gunfighters and in the
process unknowingly created legends.
With all due respect to the hard-working, hard-living men,
women and children—white, black, Asian, Mexican and, of course, Native
Americans-- who quite literally pioneered the frontiers back in the day, RIDING
THE POP CULTURE RANGE will be about the legends, the myths, the heroes and
villains that have burned their way into our consciousness. John Wayne will be
here. Roy Rogers, Gene Autry and Randolph Scott. But also Lee Van Cleef, Giuliano
Gemma, Klaus Kinski and Terence Hill. The Lone Ranger, The Black Rider and the
Hooded Horseman will be riding along with us, as will all those dang KIDS! Kid
Colt, the Outlaw Kid, the Two-Gun Kid, the Rawhide Kid, the Cheyenne Kid, the Apache
Kid, the Ringo Kid and all the rest! Plus Johnny and Jane West, the Maverick
Brothers, Paladin, Sugarfoot, Smith, Jones and Rowdy Yates! A Westerns, B
westerns and Z westerns will all be well-represented eventually. You’ll find comedy
westerns like The Paleface and Blazing Saddles as well radio sagebrush sagas like The Six
Shooter, Gunsmoke and Riders Radio Theatre!
We hope you’ll all stop by on a regular basis and tell your friends about us. We’ll keep some beans and bacon on the fire for ya, pardners.